

Who is Jesus & why does it matter?

Discover the Hope of the World.

Who Is Jesus?

By his birth the world dates its calendars, and by his name millions curse and millions pray. Two thousand years on, Jesus remains the most prominent and influential person in history. All this from a man without earthly title and riches, the son of a carpenter, whose public ministry spanned less than four years.

The striking contrast between Jesus’ humble life and impact on the world (which transcends generations, cultures and creeds), is nothing short of miraculous.  Who is Jesus and why does it matter? The answer warrants more than a passing thought and openness to explore.


For all the things that can be said of Jesus (who he is, his life and teachings), the Bible remains the most definitive and detailed source. In it we find eyewitness accounts that testify to his character, nature and deeds. 

One such account is detailed in the Gospel of Mark, which is a great place to start as you explore and discover Jesus.


Jesus’ Love

The message of hope found in Jesus, called the ‘Good News’, has transformed countless lives over two millennia, and continues to this day. Through Jesus’ love we find restoration for the lost, a shelter to the homeless, a hiding place for the abused, and an anchor in our storms.

You too can share in this hope. Whoever you are, and wherever you’ve been, nothing disqualifies you from the love of God.


Encountering Jesus

Maybe you’re feeling lost in a world of hardship and pain. Maybe you’re seeking answers to life’s BIG questions. Or maybe you’ve been prompted by a family member or friend to dig deeper. Whatever your reasons, finding God usually starts with a question, either out of sheer curiosity, or a seeking heart for the truth no matter what the cost.

Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

At First Baptist we’re here to help you, whatever your stage or phase in life. Whether you’re just starting out in your Christian walk, or ready for the next step, we can equip you for the journey. It’s a journey of discovery to become the person God created you to be.

Are you ready for the next step? 
Step 1: Accepting Jesus 
Step 2: Starting Out 
Step 3: Continue Your Faith Journey

““Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7–8 NLT)

Step 1: Accepting Jesus

Accepting Jesus into your heart starts with a simple prayer. Questions may remain, but if your heart is genuine, you can trust in God that He will begin a good work in you that will not disappoint.

If you’re not quite ready for this step we invite you to come along to our church services to learn more. It’s the place to find answers to burning questions, while connecting with others. In the meantime, we encourage you to pray to God with a sincere and open heart, that He may reveal Himself to you.

For those that are ready to accept Jesus into their heart and start a new life, we invite you to use the following as a guide. It’s not an official prayer you must say word for word, but rather a simple prayer that can be said in your own language and speech, based on Romans 10:9-10.

“God, I come to you acknowledging your ways are better than my ways. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I believe that you raised Him from the dead. I am sorry for the wrongs of my past and from this day forward I’m committed to following you. I thank you, Father, for loving and saving me.” 

Congratulations! If you said this prayer with an honest and genuine heart then you can look forward to an amazing future with Jesus. 

Please click the button below to send us a message about it. We’ll be praying for you and walking with you on this journey.

“If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.”  (Romans 10:9–10 NLT)

Step 2: Starting Out

If you’ve accepted Jesus into your heart, then there are a few practical steps you can take to reinforce and strengthen your faith. First off, we recommend that you start off by reading “Because I’m Saved” by our good friend – Jim Baize. This little book will give you a jumpstart to understanding this new faith journey you’re on.

Next, take a look at these 3 steps below. We know they seem cliché, but they really are foundational for building and growing in your relationship with Jesus.

Regular Church Attendance

Connect with others, learn more about God, and grow in faith. One of the best ways to align yourself to the things of God is through regular church attendance. Community worship encourages spiritual development, and in doing so we cultivate a sense of family within Christ’s body that inspires us and promotes further growth. Come and join us this Sunday.

Spend Time In Prayer

Through prayer God expresses His love for us, bolsters and guides us. Just as Jesus did, take time out each day to share your life with God through prayer.

Read Your Bible

Every time you pick up and read the Bible you’re holding the living and breathing Word of God. 

Thousands of years in the making, boasting kings, fishermen, tax collectors, prophets, generals, shepherds and prisoners amongst its many authors, the Bible remains the highest selling book of all time, and the greatest love story ever told. It is a book like no other and is as relevant today as it ever was. 

There are several great reading plans available to you on your mobile device, and we encourage you to find one to go through. For new followers of Jesus, here are a couple of great ones to start with: 7 Steps for New Christians (7 days)Seek First (28 days)First Steps for New Believers (7 days)

Read our overview of the Bible for an initial look at its contents and foundational study. (coming soon)

Step 3: Continue Your Faith Journey

Join A Life Group

Connect Groups are a great way to meet new people, while establishing a firm foundation in faith that can stand the test of time. Join a Life Group today.


Service to others is the practical outpouring of the change God has made in our hearts. Our world has shifted from inward focus to outward living, and is an opportunity to assist others using our unique array of gifts and talents. Complete this survey to help find your fit, and then let us know where you’d like to get involved.


Giving is an opportunity to personally invest into the Kingdom of God here on Earth. It acknowledges God as the true giver of everything we have, and practically illustrates our trust in Him – that He will provide for all our needs. Giving of tithes should be done willingly and joyfully, knowing God will use whatever we give, big or small, to the glory of His name. Start giving today.


Just as Jesus did as an example for us, baptism is a way of telling the whole world of your friendship with God. It is a public display of the change He has made in your heart and an essential step of obedience as you continue in your walk with Christ. What’s more, baptism doesn’t have to wait until life’s struggles and hardships are finally overcome or resolved. Just as the Ethiopian did in Acts 8:26-38, baptism is a step of faith you can take sooner rather than later. 

Contact us today to find out more or to flag your interest.

Invite A Friend on the Journey

Experiencing Jesus’ love for each of us is even better when we share it with family, friends, co-workers and neighbours. You might have children who can get involved in various ministries designed just for them (i.e. youth group). 

Invite someone you know to come along to church this Sunday to encounter God and experience His love for them.

Next Steps

Starting Out

  1. Discover Jesus
  2. Go to Church
  3. Request Prayer from others
  4. Spend Time talking with God
  5. Read the Bible
  6. Get Baptized
  7. Join a Small Group
  8. Attend an Event

Continuing Your Faith Journey

  1. Go to Church
  2. Request Prayer
  3. Spend Time talking with God
  4. Read the Bible
  5. Start Serving at church
  6. Join a Ministry Team
  7. Attend an Event
  8. Join a Small Group
  9. Start Giving/Tithing
  10. Learn about Christian Fasting
  11. Go on a Missions Trip
  12. Invite a Friend
  13. Discover your Spiritual Gifts
  14. Get Pre or Post-Marriage Counseling
  15. Begin some deeper Christian Studies

If you’re concerned with or have questions about any of these things, please don’t keep them to yourself. Share you questions with someone on our staff who is more than willing to sit down and have a face to face conversation over a cup of coffee with you.

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